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Masculinities, Feminism and Youth-led Social Change in the Caribbean | IGDS, UWI
Fathering and the Conflicts of Modern Manhood in the Caribbean
IGDS Ignite Gender Equality and GBV: Youth Perspectives
IGDS Public Forum — Evolving Gender and Feminist Conversations 3 — Krystal Ghisyawan
Transforming Masculinities in the Caribbean
IGDS Book Launch - Patricia Mohammed "Writing Gender into the Caribbean" Part 1
CGDS 15 Anniversary Keynote Address — The Making of Caribbean Feminisms
IGDS Conversations 2013 — Dr. Gabrielle Hosein
UNESCO IGDS Caribbean Sheroes Initiative Celebrating Jamaica's Gender Equality Champions
IGDS Lunchtime Seminar — Dr. Angelique V. Nixon
IGDS Public Lecture — Violet Eudine Barriteau
Gender Studies and Feminisms in the Guyanas - Crossing Rivers